Monday, December 30, 2019

Molecular Physiology And Developmental Biology - 962 Words

Dr. Elizabeth Ables is an assistant professor at East Carolina University, in Greenville, North Carolina. She has worked there since 2013. Dr. Ables received her BS degree from St. Andrews University and her Ph.D. in Molecular Physiology and Developmental Biology from Vanderbilt University. She studied how the pancreas precursor cells are led by a cascade of transcription factors during development to become insulin-producing beta cells, while using transgenic mice and immunofluorescence microscopy to examine the topic. Her current studies resulted in the discovery that the steroid hormone ecdysone, which directly controls Drosophila germline stem cell activity. These studies expanded her ability to design experiments significant for†¦show more content†¦We learned tissue homeostasis is a balance between cell division, specialization, and turnover time. Normal cells have a plethora of specialized cells and with proliferation there tends to be a loss of specialized function. Her interest in stem cells came with some problems. First, all cells come from other cells. Secondly, specialized cells tend to divide very infrequently. Therefore, she began studying the germline cells of fruit flies because the cell cycle is very similar to humans. She wanted to study stem signals and their complex connections to determine the cell fate. Such as in the Drosophila uterine cells, there is a cluster of cells in which only one will become the final egg cell, the others are nurse cells that monitor the egg. The fate of these cells is predetermined by genes and were illustrated through immunofluorescence microscopy. During her presentation she held the attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, and did not need to look at note cards or reference the slides unless directing the audience through a figure. She also spoke with respectable volume and articulation to keep the audience interested and emphasize key points. I like that she moved around a bi t while she spoke. She also made the class very informal, which helped to make it more comfortable to ask questions. She seemed very comfortable with her research and could answer all questions presented to her by the audience. She was very knowledgeable andShow MoreRelatedZoology Essay1264 Words   |  6 Pageszoology in his 37-volume treatise called Historia Naturalis. Although widely read during the Middle Ages, they are little more than a collection of folklore, myth, and superstition. One of the more influential figures in the history of physiology, the Greek physician Galen, dissected farm animals, monkeys, and other mammals and described many features accurately, although some were wrongly applied to the human body. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Red Wheelbarrow Explication - 778 Words

Poetry is an example of written literature. In ancient Greek, poetry means â€Å"I create† – an art form in which language is used for its aesthetic qualities (, 2005). Poetry is a piece of literature that helps people to express their feelings and emotions. People can express their sad, happy, and romantic feelings through poetry. There are many poets in the United States such as Theodore Roethke, Robert frost, Emily Dickinson, William Carlos Williams, and many others. In this paper, there will be an introduction to William Carlos Williams and one of his poems, â€Å"The Red Wheelbarrow†. There would be also an explication of the poem based on reader’s interpretation. William Carlos Williams was born in Rutherford, New Jersey in 1883. He began writing poetry when he was in high school. He also decided to become a doctor and a writer in the same time. He embodied his ambitions by attending medical school and also publishing some of his literatures. William Carlos Williams had a very unique characteristic in writing poetry. Instead of writing a long stanza, William Carlos Williams made his poem as short as possible. Concise poems were his original identity. He was the first poet who had subject matter that centered on the everyday circumstances of life and the lives of common people (Poets,, 1997). He influenced many other poets through his concise poetry. The subject matter of his poetry also influenced people’s idea in writing poetry. He conveyed a new perception

Friday, December 13, 2019

High School Can Be A Scary Education Essay Free Essays

string(109) " kid will be paired with an grownup voluntary from the community that speaks their linguistic communication\." High School can be a chilling, daunting clip for pupils, particularly those unfamiliar with the civilization and linguistic communication of their equals. The Introduction to America Program addresses the particular challenges confronting freshly arrived immigrant high school pupils, with small or no English linguistic communication accomplishments, to the Yonkers Public Schools. Due to the deficiency of resources in the school system, these kids frequently fall between the clefts, or worse become victims of intimidation and packs. We will write a custom essay sample on High School Can Be A Scary Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Introduction to America plan will function as an early intercession system to topographic point and maintain these pupils on the right way and in a safe environment. It will work to make a comprehensive support system around these pupils through a partnership with the school and local bilingual community. Background and Mission: The JCY-Westchester Community Partners enriches the lives of 1000s of kids, households and older grownups in Westchester County every twelvemonth through a assortment of effectual larning enterprises. One of the most noteworthy properties of the JCY-WCP is the organisation ‘s ability to construct alliances and surrogate coaction with other service bureaus in our metropolis and county, which aids in the efficient and effectual disposal of our plans. Each spring we have a diverseness plan that teaches over 2,000 inner-city school kids tolerance, humanity and how to be an â€Å" upstander † as opposed to a bystander through our one-year hebdomad long Holocaust Remembrance plan. We raise financess for 17 scholarships yearly for high school seniors in Yonkers regardless of race or ethnicity. We conduct intergenerational plans with an asset-based attack by using the accomplishments and life cognition of our older grownup population and seting it into service to assist the kids with the most need. We are proud that JCY-WCP has been functioning the community for over 90 old ages and has evolved to function underprivileged people of all ages and cultural backgrounds populating in Westchester County. The mission of the JCY-Westchester Community Partners ( JCY-WCP ) is to heighten the educational experience of kids in Westchester County through effectual learning enterprises and the battle of voluntary wise mans. Demographics and Community Needs More than 26,000 pupils from 105 states who speak 42 different linguistic communications comprise the pupil organic structure of the Yonkers Public School system. As most urban school territories do, it faces legion issues and challenges due to its diverse registration and minimum resources. 72 % of the pupil organic structure is economically disadvantaged as determined by the per centum of pupils who are eligible for free or decreased tiffin. The racial composing of the City of Yonkers school population is 25 % African American, 52 % Hispanic, 6 % Asian/Pacific Islander and 18 % White/Other. The population of Yonkers International Baccalaureate High School is 66 % economically disadvantaged based on eligibility for free or decreased school tiffin. Racially the school ‘s is composed of 14 % African American, 43 % Hispanic, 14 % Asian/Pacific Islander and 28 % White/Other. The high demands of many of the kids in the Yonkers Public Schools can non ever be met due to a deficiency of support and resources, and freshly immigrated high school pupils who do non talk English are at a great disadvantage on many degrees. Besides holding to larn a new linguistic communication, they must rapidly acclimatize to a new civilization and tantrum into an American high school. The pupils are given English as Second Language classes which helps them in geting linguistic communication accomplishments but this is limited to two periods ( 1A? hours ) per twenty-four hours. They are so on their ain for the remainder of the twenty-four hours, larning math, scientific discipline, history and any other topics in English speech production categories. This can make a spread in their apprehension due to a deficiency of English linguistic communication accomplishments and this is where our resources fit in to make full that spread. Additionally, one-on-one aid can do the difference in academic accomplishments and will necessarily assist them experience portion of the larger school community every bit good as the pupils experiencing that their school is a safe physical infinite to acquire acclimated. Description of Program The Yonkers Public Schools has a big population of freshly immigrated pupils, and those on the high school degree have excess demands as they are required to larn English every bit good as base on balls all State Regent test before graduating. The Yonkers Public Schools have suffered with inordinate budget cuts which have about eliminated support staff in the schools that would hold been able to help these pupils during their passage. Introduction to America creates a comprehensive academic twelvemonth plan that will make a support system around each pupil so that they feel safe in their new environment and are able to win academically. Students in the plan will be given several resources to help them in experiencing safe and accomplishing in school and in the community. Childs from the Yonkers High School Bilingual Program will be identified by school staff to take part in the plan. ( 20 – 30 pupils ) We will convey in adept advisers who will carry on workshops on a regular footing in their categories to help the pupils with acclimatizing to society, understanding outlooks and experiencing safe. Parents will be invited to fall in in the workshops to understand how their function is relevant. ( Many freshly immigrated parents are unwilling to step frontward and recommend for their kid out of fright and deficiency of cognition ) Subjects will include ( but are non limited to ) : Anti-Bullying attempts ( strong-arming and being bullied ) Dangers of Social Networking Cultural alterations How to acknowledge and avoid packs Health and Safety We will spouse with the school ‘s bing Title III services with particular attending to academic demands. This will supply targeted direction and maintain the pupil on par with grade degree Assure that they take and pass the English Regent Exam Provide extra academic support in pupils ‘ academic country ( s ) of failing Each kid will be paired with an grownup voluntary from the community that speaks their linguistic communication. You read "High School Can Be A Scary Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" This voluntary will perpetrate to run into with the pupil one time a hebdomad for the full school twelvemonth. The voluntary will go to the pupil ‘s ESL ( English as a Second Language ) category every bit good as one extra category period. The voluntary acts as a coach to assist their pupil with category work and prep assignments. They help them with pronunciation, interlingual rendition, and to construe cultural differences and nuanced linguistic communication which is hard for new English talkers to understand. This one-to-one attending helps to increase their communications accomplishments and familiarise them with American civilization. They will go to plan workshops with the pupil to move as a transcriber when necessary. The voluntary besides serves as a wise man by making a trusting relationship with the pupil and an enriched environment for larning and academic aid. Additionally, this offers a safe, comfy oasis, within the pupils ain school, where they can present inquiries and portion his/her sentiment this is something that may non be available in their place or with their equals. Students in the plan will besides be paired with specific American high school pupils that are culturally sensitive and want to assist take this pupil â€Å" under their wing † . ( Buddy system ) This brother would be available to: Talk to and reply inquiries about the school civilization Serve as a general affair between the pupil and the school community ( Such as the school nurse, instructors and decision makers ) Aid with voyaging the American school system and accessing services in their ain school. Make a connexion with the general population of pupils, therefore beef uping the feeling of community, increasing tolerance and cut downing intimidation. We will work with School Administration to look into supplying A â€Å" Safe Haven/ Drop – in Center † a topographic point where intimidation and other emphasis can be communicated and supply a feeling of belonging to a group. ( socially- supportive ) Supply appropriate resources for instructors in cultural sensitiveness and diverseness Plan ends, outlooks and results Our end is to run this plan in Yonkers International Baccalaureate High School and to function 20 to 30 pupils in the Bilingual Program. We will help them in bettering their linguistic communication accomplishments, attitudes towards school and acclimatization to American civilization, therefore giving them a better opportunity at success academically and beyond. We presently have pupils who speak Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Creole, Bengali, Polish and Ukrainian and anticipate more fledglings who speak other linguistic communications as good. The plan ‘s outlooks are to supply the freshly arrived immigrant pupil an enriched environment for larning with: A safe infinite for pupils to inquire inquiries Information and resources non available through the school system Academic aid Mentoring One on one aid Personalized aid or each pupil The plans ultimate result would guarantee each kid a high school sheepskin. Budget Workshops/Consultants 2,500 Volunteer Recruiting and Training Expenses 3,000 Plan Materials and Supplies 1,800 Administrative costs including direction, public dealingss, development, promotion etc. 3,500 Transportation ( workshops ) 1,200 Program Personnel ( Salary and Benefits ) 23,000 Entire Expenses 35,000 Rationale Due to the globalized province of the universe there will go on to be a rise in new immigrant pupil population. This is a critical facet and there will go on to be a big migrate pupil organic structure. The pupil landscape is continually transforming. The issues that these pupils face need to be addressed every bit shortly as possible to guarantee productive educational experience. The Newly Immigrated pupils have to cover with huge sums of transmutations. These alterations need to be addressed by a plan that can ease a positive assimilation in the civilization of the community, school/student life and place life. This plan will be designed to so run into the following kineticss: emotional, school and place environment. These pupils have to be given particular attending to guarantee specific demands are met. This will supply an underpinning to which these pupils can develop and hold the opportunity to prosecute higher instruction and future enterprises in a positive mode. Issues Students Face: Parents frequently times both work and are non able to buffer the civilization shock the pupils are sing. Therefore these experiences rely to a great extent on their school experiences. ( Fellow pupils, instructors and staff ) Often these parents are illiterate in their ain linguistic communications. Culture Shock- These pupils experience a clip period of accommodation. Thus interactions and societal exchanges are important to the result of assimilation. Social isolation due to linguistic communication barriers. Invagination and backdown from immediate environment. This response is used as a header mechanism. Unable to pass on with equals will further â€Å" otherize † the pupil. Class engagement is lower, instructors do non hold the clip to individualise educational/classroom experience. Self-esteem is affected as a consequence of non being able to interact with pupil life because their cultural mention point is different. Social disjunction – frequently clip marks of intimidation, the response being farther invagination or societal credence in negative microcosms ( packs ) . To see being a portion of the civilization. Teachers do n’t hold the clip or cognition that it ‘s non merely a linguistic communication barrier but cultural differences. At times alienated and ostracized by instructors and school staff, as in inferior pupils High degrees of frustration/ impede on larning Anxiety, hence drop-out rate is higher because important demands are non being met Program History During the 2010-2011 school twelvemonth, for the months of April through June, a smaller version this plan was piloted at Gorton High School, Early College High School and Yonkers High School in Yonkers where pupils worked with bilingual voluntaries in the community. Even with this short clip span, based on conversations with the take parting pupils, voluntaries and school forces, many of the pupils showed an betterment in attitude in their categories every bit good as improved classs on trials and schoolroom assignments. By integrating extra resources and constituents into the plan this coming twelvemonth, we hope to hold a larger impact on pupils ‘ academic accomplishment every bit good as their community engagement. The Yonkers Public Schools are holding enormous budgetary issues and have therefore non been able to fund this plan for the 2011-2012 school old ages, but have been willing to include us in grant chances, as they arise, aiming this population. Drumhead All pupils deserve the right to see success in school and make their full possible. As a big portion of the hereafter of our state, all immigrant young person should hold the same chances and dream the same dreams as their equals. Since schools serve as a theoretical account for society, they need to further an environment of regard for all. Using a multicultural attack and regard for diverseness in today ‘s schools builds a stronger America. As we learn to understand each other, we learn to go a squad, working for the common end of regard for all world. I hope this survey and others like it will convey greater apprehension, and contribute to the ends of encompassing diverseness and appreciating differences. How to cite High School Can Be A Scary Education Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mans Journey into Self in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Essay Example For Students

Mans Journey into Self in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Essay Inherent inside every human soul is a savage evil side that remains repressed by society. Often this evil side breaks out during times of isolation from our culture, and whenever one culture confronts another. History is loaded with examples of atrocities that have occurred when one culture comes into contact with another. Whenever fundamentally different cultures meet, there is often a fear of contamination and loss of self that leads us to discover more about our true selves, often causing perceived madness by those who have yet to discover. The Puritans left Europe in hopes of finding a new world to welcome them and their beliefs. What they found was a vast new world, loaded with Indian cultures new to them. This overwhelming cultural interaction caused some Puritans to go mad and try to purge themselves of a perceived evil. This came to be known as the Salem witch trials. During World War II, Germany made an attempt to overrun Europe. What happened when the Nazis came into power and persecuted the Jews in Germany, Austria and Poland is well known as the Holocaust. Here, humans evil side provides one of the scariest occurrences of this century. Adolf Hitler and his Nazi counterparts conducted raids of the ghettos to locate and often exterminate any Jews they found. Although Jews are the most widely known victims of the Holocaust, they were not the only targets. When the war ended, 6 million Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovahs Witnesses, Communists, and others targeted by the Nazis, had died in the Holocaust. Most of these deaths occurred in gas chambers and mass shootings. This gruesome attack was motivated mainly by the fear of cultural intermixing which would impurify the Master Race. Joseph Conrads book, The Heart of Darkness and Francis Coppolas movie, Apocalypse Now are both stories about Mans journey into his self, and the discoveries to be made there. They are also about Man confronting his fears of failure, insanity, death, and cultural contamination. During Marlows mission to find Kurtz, he is also trying to find himself. He, like Kurtz had good intentions upon entering the Congo. Conrad tries to show us that Marlow is what Kurtz had been, and Kurtz is what Marlow could become. Every human has a little of Marlow and Kurtz in them. Marlow says about himself, I was getting savage Conrad, meaning that he was becoming more like Kurtz. Along the trip into the wilderness, they discover their true selves through contact with savage natives. As Marlow ventures further up the Congo, he feels like he is traveling back through time. He sees the unsettled wilderness and can feel the darkness of its solitude. Marlow comes across simpler cannibalistic cultures along the banks. The deeper into the jungle he goes, the more regressive the inhabitants seem. Kurtz had lived in the Congo, and was separated from his own culture for quite some time. He had once been considered an honorable man, but the jungle changed him greatly. Here, secluded from the rest of his own society, he discovered his evil side and became corrupted by his power and solitude. Marlow tells us about the Ivory that Kurtz kept as his own, and that he had no restraint, and was a tree swayed by the wind Conrad, 209. Marlow mentions the human heads displayed on posts that showed that Mr. Kurtz lacked restraint in the gratification of his various lusts Conrad, 220. Conrad also tells us hisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ nerves went wrong, and caused him to preside at certain midnight dances ending with unspeakable rights, whichà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ were offered up to him Conrad, 208, meaning that Kurtz went insane and allowed himself to be worshipped as a god. It appears that while Kurtz had been isolated from his culture, he had become corrupted by this violent native culture, and allowed his evil side to control him. Marlow realizes that only very near the time of death, does a person grasp the big picture. The elderly lady walks uneasily on her weak foot Analysis EssayAlong with that is the growing realization, since the Tet Offensive of 1968, that the U. S. was somehow way off the mark Worthy 24. American Culture views it self as correct, and we see ourselves as powerful police of the world. Our culture looked down upon the Vietnamese because they were more simple than us, just as Europe and Marlow looked down on the Africans. Believing ourselves to be superior, we had a lot of trouble dealing with the discovery that we are not. Coppola makes a point to show us that the Chief of a boat armed to the teeth was killed by a native in a tree who threw a spear. Not even an advanced Navy boat can defend itself against some simple natives armed only with spears. This opens Captain Willards eyes to the horror of the situation he now finds himself in. Even more intriguing, however, is the similarity between the transformation of the characters in Apocalypse Now, and the cast and crew that created it. In Hearts of Darkness, a documentary about the making of Apocalypse Now. Eugene Coppola becomes the narrator a Marlow or Captain Willard and Francis becomes Kurtz. Francis believed that only if he could duplicate Willards experience, could he understand his moral struggle. In other words, he had to lose control of his own life before he could find the answers to the questions that his narrative asked Worthy 24. Coppolas main horror was his fear of producing a pretentious movie. Eleanor repeatedly calls the making of Apocalypse Now a journey into Coppolas inner self. Coppola, like Kurtz, is regarded as a deity. Moreover, while Willard stalks Kurtz in Apocalypse Now, Coppola stalks himself, raising questions which he feels compelled to answer but cannot, finally announcing his desire to shoot himself. He means suicide, but the cinematic connotation of the term, to shoot, jointly criticizes both the U. S. and Coppolas film for exercising a demented self-absorption Worthy 24. Coppola had to deal with perhaps the most agonizing of his troubles: his shriveling self-confidence. As the budget soared, as the producers worried, as the crew and actors grew restless and dispassionate, Coppola worried that he did not have what it takes to finish the film. He stru ggled with the ending, with his own creative ability, and with his sense of purpose. Martin Sheen, who plays Captain Willard, is the one who really faces the horror. During the filming he has a nervous breakdown and later a heart attack. Some of his co-actors believed that Martin was becoming Captain Willard, and was experiencing the same journey of self discovery. We live our lives sheltered in our own society, and our exposure to cultures outside of our own is limited at best. Often, the more technologically advanced cultures look down upon those that they deem to be simpler. On the occasion that some member of one culture does come into contact with another, simpler culture, a self discovery happens. Both cultures realize that deep down inside, all humans are essentially the same. We all posses a good and an evil side, and no culture, not matter how advanced, is exempt from that fact.. This discovery often causes madness as this evil side is allowed out. Only those who have completed the journey into self can understand the actions of people such as Kurtz. They are alone in this world of horrorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The Horror!